Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Mara, Toto and The Boys

Hello all. Here are some photos I took yesterday. Mara is our empregada and she comes in every morning. She is great with the boys and seems prepared to put up with my retarded dog Toto.
Mara With Toto

We went for a walk in the Moinhos de Ventos Park today as the weather is nice. High 20's yesterday - and that's the middle of winter. Here's Sam (with Toto of course). Next one is Dan and Sam (with Toto).

Sam With Toto

Dan And Sam With Toto

Flea Ridden Mongrel

Oh my, who could this be? Does anyone know what Filho da punta is Portuguese for?

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Food for Thought

It's been a while since we updated the blog - sorry about that. This week we want to wish good luck to Mark who has been selected to go to London to take part in the next qualifying round of Masterchef. Well done on getting through the auditions in Glasgow and best wishes for London Mark.
There's a picture of Mark below with Dan, Sam and Poppy. Not sure the TV cameras will be able to cope with that shirt!

Good Luck To Mark!

Willie Young is here for work this week. He brought Sam and Dan some new Family Guy and American Dad DVDs so they are very happy (and quiet). Thanks Willie! We had a nice Churrascao on Friday night at the Sulina Grill, which is just 5 minutes from our house. Willie likes the food in Brazil. Below you can see his normal mid morning snack - just enough to tide him over till lunchtime usually.

Who Ate All The Pies?
We had our first Skype call with Mark and Mum today. The quality was really good and it's totally free. Our Skype ID is Hamish Hayward and our e-mail address is info(at) Replace (at) with @ - we don't want spam. Feel free to hook up.