Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Fun In The Sun

We saw a really weird thing today. The sun had a ring of light around it - like a halo. It was almost perfectly circular.

Between the sun and the ring the sky was darker than normal. The ring was very well defined as you can see from above.

Unfortunately it wasn't possible to get the entire ring into the picture as it was so large.

Don't know what could have caused this. Someone said it was a freak ice formation in the clouds. Someone else said water vapour.

Maybe it's something like a rainbow - but there were no colours other than brilliant white on view from where we were.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Flight of The Phoenix

Anne Leaving Porto Alegre
No problem getting to the airport, no big queues at the check-in, everything went very well.

At the time of writing, she should be on a plane from Sao Paolo to Heathrow.

Cute or Just Plain Gay? You Decide.
Anne-Marie's latest bout of madness has manifested itself by way of Toto being forced to wear a blue ribbon in the shape of a bone.

She thinks it's cute. We think it's gay.

It might just be cruelty to animals (but Toto deserves it).

Just Plain Stupid
Not much doubt about this one so no need for any debate.

Have you ever seen anything so stupid?

This is Toto in his raincoat. It was taken just after Christmas and if you look closely you will also see his festive bow-tie.

It's a dog's life.