Thursday, August 23, 2007


Anne-Marie Visits The Vineyards of RS

Willie Young was over a few weeks ago. As he as here over a weekend, we thought we would visit the vineyards to the north of Porto Alegre to pass the time.

The area is Bento Goncalves which has a lot of Italian immigrants - hence the wine production.

Anyway, we visited the Miolo vineyard. Miolo wine just happens to be one of Anne-Marie's favouries. As you can see, she seems happy.

Anne-Marie Delighted With Wine

Anne-Marie's joy was short lived however, as later in the tour she was shocked to discover that "kerry oots" were available only by the bottle and that the barrels were reserved for commercial customers only.

Bitter Disappointment

Fortunately, we were able to recover the situation - and Anne-Marie's earlier good humour - by purchasing a case of her favourite chardonnay.

It is long gone needless to say.

There There Dear

Willie also had a good time, struggling manfully to cope with the large quantity of wine on offer.

One For The Road

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